Best Home Auto-Drip Coffee Maker

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Best Home Auto-Drip Coffee Maker

an auto-drip coffee maker can be a more straightforward, affordable, and versatile option for those who want to make coffee at home without the added complexity of an espresso machine.

By Sordid Coffee Team


If you love drip coffee you know how disappointing many automatic-drip coffee is. Makers turn out to be all promise and no delivery you get coffee that’s weak sour accurate or bitter or not hot enough. Coffee Makers may have a really similar look and seem like a fairly basic piece of equipment but subtle differences can change whether or not they hit the benchmarks for heating timing and water to Coffee contact in order to produce good coffee.

There are several reasons why someone may choose an auto-drip coffee brewer over an espresso machine for home use:

  1. Simplicity: Auto-drip coffee makers are generally easier to use and require less skill and technique than an espresso machine. With an auto-drip coffee maker, you simply add water and coffee, push a button, and wait for the coffee to brew.
  2. Affordability: Auto-drip coffee makers are generally less expensive than espresso machines, making them a more budget-friendly option for many people.
  3. Capacity: Auto-drip coffee makers can generally make larger quantities of coffee than an espresso machine, which can be beneficial if you need to make coffee for several people at once.
  4. Versatility: Auto-drip coffee makers can be used to make a variety of coffee drinks, including regular coffee, iced coffee, and flavored coffee drinks, while an espresso machine is primarily designed for making espresso-based drinks.
  5. Taste: While espresso machines produce a stronger, more concentrated coffee flavor, some people may prefer the milder, smoother taste of coffee brewed in an auto-drip coffee maker.

Continue reading to see our review for the best home/small-office Auto-Drip Coffee Maker money can buy.

Editor Choice

Technivorm Moccamaster 79312 KBGT Coffee Brewer, 40 oz

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and the European Coffee Brewing have evaluated and approved the Moccamaster coffee brewers across the four T’s of coffee brewing: temperature, time, turbulence, and total dissolved solids (TDS). A brewer that performs within the ideal ranges of the four T’s produces the perfect ratio of coffee flavor compounds extracted into water, which the SCA refers to as “the golden cup.” That ratio creates the flavors we enjoy when we sit back with a good cup of coffee, and every Moccamaster hits that mark every brew cycle.

Sordid Coffee Team Ratings

Easy of use









The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 Coffee Brewer is a high-end coffee maker that is designed to deliver exceptional performance and quality. Here is an overview of the features and specifications of this coffee maker:

Design and Build Quality: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 is built with high-quality materials, including a stainless steel housing and copper heating element. The sleek, modern design of the coffee maker makes it a stylish addition to any kitchen.

Brewing Capacity: This coffee maker has a 40 oz water tank, which allows you to brew up to 10 cups of coffee at a time. The brewing time is also relatively fast, with a full pot of coffee brewing in just 4-6 minutes.

Brewing Temperature: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 brews coffee at the optimal temperature range of 195-205°F, which ensures consistent flavor and quality in every cup.

Ease of Use: The coffee maker is very easy to use, with a simple on/off switch and a manual drip-stop brew basket that allows you to control the flow of coffee.

Eco-Friendly: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 is designed to be eco-friendly, with a recyclable metal housing and an energy-efficient heating element that uses only 1400 watts of power.

Warranty: Technivorm Moccamaster offers a 5-year warranty on this coffee maker, which provides peace of mind to consumers who invest in this high-end product.

Overall, The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 Coffee Brewer is an excellent choice for coffee lovers who value quality, consistency, and eco-friendliness. While it is a premium product that comes with a high price tag, its performance and durability make it a great long-term investment.

How to use The Moccamaster KBGT 79312

To use the The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 Coffee Brewer, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the water tank: Remove the water tank from the coffee maker and fill it with cold, fresh water up to the desired level. Replace the water tank onto the coffee maker.
  2. Grind your coffee beans: Grind your coffee beans to the desired coarseness, and measure out the desired amount of coffee.
  3. Add coffee to the filter: Open the brew basket and place a paper filter inside. Add the ground coffee to the filter.
  4. Start brewing: Turn the coffee maker on by flipping the switch located on the side of the machine. The water will begin to heat up and then start to drip onto the coffee grounds.
  5. Serve your coffee: Once the brewing process is complete, remove the carafe from the coffee maker and pour your coffee.
  6. Clean up: After you are done brewing, remove the filter and dispose of it. Wash the carafe and the brew basket with soap and water.

It is important to note that The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 does not have any programming options, such as a delayed brew or automatic shut-off feature, so you will need to manually start and stop the brewing process each time you use the coffee maker. Additionally, the coffee maker should be descaled regularly to maintain its performance and longevity.

Pros & Cons


  • Excellent build quality: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 is made with high-quality materials and is built to last, making it a great long-term investment.
  • Consistent brewing: This coffee maker brews coffee at the optimal temperature range of 195-205°F, which ensures consistent flavor and quality in every cup.
  • Fast brewing time: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 can brew a full pot of coffee in just 4-6 minutes, making it a convenient option for those who need their coffee quickly.
  • Large water tank: The 40 oz water tank is larger than many other coffee makers, which means you can brew more coffee without having to refill the tank as often.
  • Eco-friendly: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 is designed to be eco-friendly, with a recyclable metal housing and an energy-efficient heating element.
  • Backed by a 5-year warranty


  • Expensive: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 is a premium coffee maker, and its price tag may be prohibitive for some consumers.
  • No auto-start function: This coffee maker does not have an auto-start function, which means you will need to manually start the brewing process each time you want coffee.
  • No built-in grinder: If you prefer to grind your own coffee beans, you will need to do so separately before brewing with this coffee maker.
  • No programming options: The Moccamaster KBGT 79312 does not have any programming options, such as a delayed brew or automatic shut-off feature. It is is an excellent choice, but lack of programming options may not be suitable for everyone.

Customer support

Technivorm Moccamaster is known for producing high-quality coffee makers with durable materials and reliable performance. In terms of support, Technivorm Moccamaster provides excellent customer service to their customers.

If you encounter any issues with your Moccamaster coffee maker, you can contact their customer support team for assistance. Their support team is knowledgeable and responsive, and they can help troubleshoot any problems you may be experiencing with your coffee maker.

Additionally, Technivorm Moccamaster offers a 5-year warranty on their coffee makers, which covers any defects in materials or workmanship. This warranty provides peace of mind to customers who invest in a Moccamaster coffee maker.

Overall, Technivorm Moccamaster has a strong reputation for producing high-quality coffee makers and providing excellent customer support to their customers. If you have any issues with your Moccamaster coffee maker, you can expect prompt and helpful assistance from their support team.

Technivorm Moccamaster 79112 KBT specifications

  • Model: Moccamaster KBGT 79312
  • Brand: Technivorm
  • Capacity: 40 oz (1.25 L)
  • Brewing time: 4-6 minutes
  • Brewing temperature: 195-205°F (91-96°C)
  • Power output: 1400 watts
  • Voltage: 120V AC
  • Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Housing material: Stainless steel
  • Heating element material: Copper
  • Filter holder: Auto drip-stop brew basket
  • Carafe type: Thermal
  • Carafe capacity: 40 oz (1.25 L)
  • Warranty: 5 years

Note that B00722EWDK is designed for use in North America and operates on 120V AC power. If you live in a region with a different voltage or frequency, you may need to use a voltage converter or transformer to use this coffee maker.

Additional TIPs

  • Beyond daily cleaning you’re going to need to descale the machine, follow the included instructions for descaling and we think it’s important to do this periodically don’t use vinegar and water vinegar can be corrosive and it might not remove all the scale instead use dedicated descaling powder.
  • Use the right filters it actually does matter what filter you use, some machines call for their own brand of filters that are designed to control the drip of the coffee in conjunction with the machine for the best extraction, others including our winners can use any filter, use your filter choice to tweak coffee to your preference paper filters that are going to hold back more fine grounds and oils than metal mesh baskets so they can really change the coffee’s body and flavor.
  • A thermal carafe to keep fresh coffee hot without scorching, it is easiest when the machine brews into an insulated thermal carafe similar to one included with this brewer. if you typically don’t drink all your coffee right away, then this option will minimize waste and a money saver.
  • If you want good coffee then use a scale and weigh your grounds and don’t bother with settings like strong or bold on some machines, sure you want full flavor but when machines offer this option don’t choose it, it just makes the brewing cycle last longer which as we know results in over-extracted grounds and bitter coffee.

Check The Brewer’s Guide

Check our Coffee brewers guides for more details and additional recommendations